Wednesday, June 21, 2017

25 Things...

In honor of the first day of summer, and the fact that I received my class list for the upcoming school year, here you go!

1. I love glitter, but hate the mess it makes.

2. You can connect with me over on Instagram and Twitter @MrsLomando

3. My favorite color is green, although I rarely wear it.

4. I love the Disney movie, "Sleeping Beauty" (the cartoon, not the live action version) although Maleficent terrified me as a child.

5. If I could go anywhere in the world I would choose Switzerland. My grandfather was stationed there for a short time during World War II and always said it was the most beautiful place he had ever seen.

6. I despise bananas and seafood. Besides that I eat pretty much anything.

7. I love Harry Potter, and my favorite book is "The Goblet of Fire."

8. When I was in fourth grade, I thought I didn't have to study my 7s multiplication facts because I thought I would just wake up one day knowing them. I didn't. I just had to memorize them.

9. I love summer thunder and lightning storms, except when it wakes my kids.

10. History is my favorite subject.

11. I go to the public library at least once a week because I love to read!

12. I REALLY hated fractions in second grade. I got over it because they've followed me through my entire life!

13. I prefer the ocean over a lake.

14. Costa Rica is my favorite place I've visited so far.

15. My son was born two days before my birthday.

16. I love basketball even though I'm terrible at it.

17. My parents grew up in Nashua, but I did not. I now live here with my husband and kids.

18. My cat growing up was named Sassy after the cat in the movie "Homeward Bound."

19. I've taught at Mt. Pleasant since I graduated college.

20. "The Mysteries of Harris Burdick" is my favorite picture book.

21. I've never voted for a politician I haven't met in person (including all the presidential elections I've voted in!)

22. I am a total morning person, and not at all a night owl.

23. I only drink water or seltzer water with the exception of my cup of coffee in the morning.

24. I am terrified of fish. Alive or dead.

25. I absolutely love my job!

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