Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Read & Relax Day 2015

Today was MP's first Read and Relax Day! Reading and seasonal activities were done throughout the day. We watched A Muppet Christmas Carol, read, and worked in partners on various things. It was a great day before vacation!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Manic about Measurement

After the holidays, we will move into our next math unit which is Measurement. This unit will only be approximately 2 weeks long, and will reinforce multiplication and division concepts as we convert units. Check out some of the video resources we'll use to introduce the concepts!

It can be hard to remember all of the conversions. In the past, we have also shown the students the below image to help with remembering capacity. Can you figure out what each letter in the image stands for?

Jingle Bell Rock!

Every year, the day before Christmas Vacation, MP has our annual Holiday Sing-Along. Each grade level chooses a song to sing along to at a whole school assembly. This year, fourth grade will perform, "Jingle Bell Rock," originally performed by Bobby Helms. Below is the song with lyrics, if you would like to practice at home!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Back at it!

Tomorrow, I will be returning to the classroom after maternity leave. I am excited to see all of the students, and catch up on all they've learned in my absence. While we're going to review some concepts, we'll also begin some new things! Most notably, a new unit in Social Studies, Geography! Check out this amazing video that will be used to introduce our Geography Unit:

Now, you might be wondering what I've done with all of my time off. No, I didn't just search You Tube for amazing videos! I was able to stay home and spend time with my son, Alex. He's three months old now, and smiling and giggling like crazy! It's amazing how much he's grown and changed in the past three months. It's going to be tough to leave him, but I am excited to be back with my students!